Bryce Berkowitz
Writer. Professor.

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Bryce Berkowitz is a poet, fiction writer, screenwriter, and cattle dog owner.
His TV pilot, MEADERVILLE, won the Austin Film Festival's AMC TV Pilot Award and was named runner up for the Outstanding Screenplays TV Pilot Competition. His TV pilot, RIVER RATS, won Roadmap Writers' Jumpstart Competition, and was named a Top 20 Drama for the Austin Film Festival's AMC TV Pilot Award. Both scripts were named Top 20 of the Year on Coverfly. He's a two-time finalist for the NBC TV Writers' Program, a finalist for the ScreenCraft TV Fellowship, Big Apple (NYC) Film Festival, Script Lab, among other awards and distinctions.
His first collection of poems, Bermuda Ferris Wheel, won the 42 Miles Press | Indiana U. Poetry Award. His poems have been selected for national and regional anthologies, including Best New Poets, New Poetry from the Midwest, and A Flame Called Indiana. He is a recipient of the Illinois Emerging Writers | Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Award, the Big Muddy Short Story Award, and, with a music-poem project available for streaming to your right, he was a finalist for The Missouri Review's Miller Audio Prize. His writing has appeared in The Sewanee Review, The Missouri Review, Chicago Sun Times, Ninth Letter, Southern Indiana Review, and other publications.
Bryce is at work on two dark-comedy crime novels, several TV pilots and feature-length screenplays, and a second poetry collection. He is a professor at Butler University. Prior to academia, he worked as a literary assistant in Los Angeles. Prior to that, he waited tables, bartended, and booked touring hip hop acts for five years. For a large part of his youth, he painted graffiti, made music, and skateboarded. He's a sucker for subcultures, working-class stories, and old movies. He attended SIU Carbondale, John A. Logan College, Columbia College Chicago, UCLA, and West Virginia University.

Listen to me read a poem to music below:

Bermuda Ferris Wheel | 42 Miles Press | Indiana U. Poetry Award Winner​
ORDER a copy by clicking here​ or on Amazon​​
Select Awards/Publications
MEADERVILLE (TV Pilot) - crime dramedy, thriller
Austin Film Festival, AMC TV Pilot Award winner
Coverfly Top 20 Dramas of the Year​
Coverfly Top 50 Thrillers of the Year
NBC TV Writers' Program, Top 10 finalist
Outstanding Screenplays, runner up
The Script Lab, finalist
Austin Film Festival, One-Hour TV Drama Award, semi-finalist, Top 20
Austin Film Festival, Warner Bros. Pilot Award, semi-finalist, Top 20
ScreenCraft TV Fellowship, semi-finalist
Titan Awards, Industrial Scripts, quarterfinalist, Top 10
Stage 32 TV Drama Contest, semi-finalist
Writers X Writers, semifinalist
Big Apple Film Festival, semi-finalist and honorable mention
Tracking Board Launch Pad, second rounder
RIVER RATS (TV Pilot) - crime drama, coming of age
Roadmap Writers' Jumpstart winner
Austin Film Festival, AMC TV Pilot Award, Top 20
Coverfly Top 20 Dramas of the Year
NBC TV Writers' Program, Top 10 finalist
ScreenCraft Fellowship, finalist, Top 25
Austin Film Festival, One-Hour Drama Award, semi-finalist, Top 20
Writers X Writers, semifinalist
Tracking Board Launch Pad, second rounder
IMAGINARY FRIENDS (TV Pilot) - adult animation, dark comedy
NBC TV Writers' Program, Top 10 finalist
Big Apple Film Festival, finalist
Austin Film Festival, second rounder
WeScreenplay TV Lab, quarterfinalist
ScreenCraft TV Pilot, quarterfinalist
ScreenCraft Animation, quarterfinalist
THE MINOR GODS OF WEST VIRGINIA (TV Pilot) - crime dramedy
NBC TV Writers' Program, Top 10 finalist
ScreenCraft TV Writing Fellowship, quarterfinalist
Stage 32 TV Writing Contest, quarterfinalist
"Thank You, Forgiveness." Best New Poets, reshared by @poetryisnotaluxury
"After Running into My Student at Therapy." Southeast Review
"The Writers' Bench in Gapped Couplets." The Common
"Life Outside the Dream Box." Saranac Review
"Keep Your Plastic Flowers, I'm Not Dead Yet." The Missouri Review
"Hepburn Manor, Los Angeles." The Missouri Review *Miller Audio Prize finalist
The above poem is read to music and featured on a short podcast
"Microwaving Sub Sandwiches in the Trailer." The Missouri Review and Best New Poets (2021) *Selected by Kaveh Akbar
"Atmosphere in Our Bullshit Little Town." The Normal School *Selected for A Flame Called Indiana: An Anthology of Contemporary Hoosier Writing
"The Good Life." Cimarron Review *Pushcart Prize Nomination
"The View From Here." the minnesota review
"The Perfect Time to Leave One Home for Another." Poet Lore *Pushcart Prize Nomination
"First Montana, Next Wyoming." The Meadow
“Morning in West Virginia.” The Fourth River *Selected for New Poetry From the Midwest
“The Perfect Time to Walk Out of Someone’s Life.” The Sewanee Review
“Thank You, Forgiveness.” Best New Poets (2017) *Selected by Natalie Diaz
"We're Not There Yet." Yemassee
"In My Little Book of Things I Write Down." Barrow Street
"After Graffiti, Northside Carbondale." Hot Metal Bridge
"All That Matters." Nashville Review *Best of the Net Nomination
"Sixth Grade Autobiography." Hawai'i Pacific Review
“It Always Does.” Salt Hill *Pushcart Prize Nomination
“Just Once.” Ninth Letter
"How Long Has It Been?" The Meadow *Pushcart Prize Nomination
“Dirty Dancing Saves The World.” The Laurel Review
“We Have Problems.” Hobart
“Waking Up.” Hobart
“The Birthday Gift.” Hobart
"Payback for Mongoose Charlie.": 1st prize winner of the Big Muddy | Southeastern Missouri State U. Short Story Competition *Pushcart Prize Nomination
“Stitch.” Permafrost
Hybrid: Creative Writing Meets Professional Writing
"In Doubt." The Laurel Review
"Everything is So Sun-Drenched and Awful." The Laurel Review *Pushcart Prize Nomination
“Broad Ripple, Toxic Masculinity, & The Uber Driver That Asked About the Snow.” The McNeese Review
“Dear Standard Parts of a Workplace Letter—the hell do you know(?).” The McNeese Review
“My Mother Made Popcorn in a Casserole Dish.” Permafrost
“Hello, Chicago.” Chicago Sun Times​